Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lesson #1: The easy G chord

Place your finger on the third fret of the last guitar string. Only pluck 4 out of the 6 strings. And voilee! You can play Frere Jacques! This adorable student is 3 years old!

Other news on the homefront, today I watched Alex drive off in my Subaru for the very last time. No, my husband didn't R-U-N-N-O-F-T (any O Brother Where Art thou movie fans out there?) We officially sold the Subaru today. Long story short, I somehow lost the TITLE to my car. You know, between graduation college, moving to Hawaii, living in Kona, moving to Waimea, and my (very functional) general state of Messie Jessie-ness, I lost the title to my car. Pretty important piece of paper when buying or selling a car. So I had to call a million phone numbers, get a zillion signatures stating that yes, in fact, I am the registered owner of my vehicle. It felt like a down to the wire relay race: Get all the signatures from Toyota Financial (yes I bought my Subaru through Toyota), fed ex it overnight to my house, wait (patiently) tapping my foot on the front porch for Fed Ex to arrive on Monday, I get the hand off from Fed Ex, zoom down to Kona to the DMV, zoom to my Kona lessons to teach!
And finally, it may be awhile for the next blog post as I will be busy with company! Summer vacation finally starts for me!


Bookwerme said...


Hope you enjoy your company. Summer just STARTING for you? Wow..nearly over for many here. School has already started for the yr round calendar gang..and I think gets going mid Aug for the reg. school calendar. Many are trying to cram in all they can while there are still a few days left.

Dana said...

Oh my goodness that little guy was cute! :) Wish you were around to teach my guys. Oliver absolutely loves to "play" the piano. I can't wait to get them in music lessons of some sort.

Anyway, have a good rest of your summer!