Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Human Body Detective recording studio

One of our child vocalists in the recording studio. We went in one at a time. I had the opportunity to harmonize WITH myself. We recorded me singing the melody. And then I sang over that track singing harmony. I called myself Jessie Past and Jessie Present. Karl called me Melody and Harmony. I told him my parents were THIS CLOSE to naming me Melody. Part of me really wishes they had, since music has been such a leading role in my life. But then my clients may think I was some hippie who changed my name since it would have been such an allegorical name!
Charles Brotman watches Karl in action. I can tell from this picture he's looking at us in the studio singing and matching it to the Garage Band file on his computer.
Ever wonder what Grammy winners do with the gold trophy? I sure did. Charles Brotman's sits in his recording studio on his desk. It's sort of mingling with wires and sheet music.

We are still waiting to see the final product!

1 comment:

jennafoto@yahoo.com said...

i love this!! how fun to be in the recording studio...with a grammy!!