Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Oh Alex, what have you done?
I taught all day in Kona yesterday. It's 7pm and I'm heading back up to Waimea and Alex calls.
Alex: "Hi Jess...Ummm....do you want a chiuaua?"
Jess: "Noooo...whyyyyyy?" (I say apprehensively)
Alex: "A little chiuaua dachtshund mix has chosen us to be her family. She's really cute"
Jess: "Oh. No."

So I get home and low and behold, she IS cute. I don't even LIKE little dogs. And I'm an animal person. I hate little dogs in fact. But I think this dog took a class on how to win a potential owner over in 30 seconds or less. She is so stinkin' cute! And SO well behaved.

But no, you guys. I can't. We travel. We are lucky Alex's parents so willingly look after Moki every time we leave. We can't impose yet another animal on them to watch.

So, I'm going to use my blog as a method of advertising. Hoping that maybe one of my 1140 viewers out there might consider adopting the world's sweetest little 4 pound cutie! I could hand carry her to Seattle from Hawaii no problem if any of my Washington readers are interested. I would literally take her in a heart beat, she is that sweet. But I have to be considerate to my in laws!

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