Sunday, July 12, 2009

Something in the water

Sniff Sniff. Today we lost 3 of our giant Koi (Big Mama, Tipsey, and Fronk) We emptied half of the pond to clean and pump it yesterday. When we put new water in, and the fish went into shock. We aren't sure if we didn't oxygenate the water properly, or if the county has treated the water with something the fish don't like. After the earthquake in 2006, we lost every single fish when we added new water to the pond.
I was so incredibly sad today. But Alex said "Jessica....this wasn't your dog. It wasn't your cat. It wasn't one of your friends. It wasn't a member of your family. It was a FISH. You eat those for dinner!" Ok Ok...Granted the fish I eat for dinner don't have individual pet names, but whatever. I didn't have animals around growing up. I don't handle animal loss very well. And I especially don't like watching something die. Watching a fish drown is spookily unsettling! It's going to take years and years to get Koi that size again. I'm just glad Harpo and Goldilocks still have each other to school around with.


Amanda said...

aww... I'm sorry Jess! (hugs)

Bookwerme said...
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Bookwerme said...

It is always upsetting with things go wrong in our world of critters, be they pets or farm animals or wildlife. WE were confronted with rooster wars this have one very traumatized rooster in the coop, and a second very unhappy rooster penned separately...and no idea how to resolve this!

So sorry about your Koi.