Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weekend Woodbury fun in Kona

At this point in the day, Moki is smiling and quite comfortable on the paddle board
My two surfer dudes!
Moki and I heading out for a paddle board adventure. I couldn't keep my balance with my 70 pound counterpart!
So I kicked him off my board to give standing a try!
The active Woodbury family. Mama Cathy and Shaye in the 2 man canoe, Mike in the one man canoe, Alex and Cleo on the paddle board, and Moki swimming out to join the party.

Moki's first moment on the board. You can tell he's a little bit nervous.
Mama Cathy's Birthday party at Grandma's house. My cousin Ryan lives right next door.
And we have bloomage people! These are the first blooms of the season!
Moki swimming, sending out an S.O.S, and paddle boarding videos!


Bookwerme said...

Whoo hoo...look at you all! What fun!

Amanda said...

hat fun!!

Amanda said...

guess i should read what my fingers typed before i hit publish.. lol. I thought i said, "what fun!!" but apparently my fingers thought I was talking about hats.. not your adventures in the water. :-P

Love ya!

Jenny said...

I kind of think that I'd like to be adopted into the Woodbury Fam 'o Nonstop Fun!

And don't judge me just 'cuz it's taken me this long to figure out how to 'officially' follow your blog.