Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I really just wanted today to be about my hair cut

I really just wanted today to be about my new hair cut. I chopped more than half of it off. It was a big deal. It was very exciting. And now, I am cooped up in the house on a rainy crummy day, with ANIMALS bouncing off the walls! We apparently just nursed KUJO back to health. (oh please for the love of dog click the word "Kujo" to see what I feel like we just rescued). Two craps on the carpet today officially brought us to the completion of our honeymoon stage. I work from home. But I still WORK from home. How can I possible work when I have a cat 5 times bigger than Riblet...I mean Kujo....intent on stalking and killing her. Moki is the gentle giant and seeing this interaction sends him into a whining tizzy. Which brings me to a funny story.....I was teaching a piano lesson to an adorable little girl. We were babysitting a small dog for a friend and my student noticed her in the music room. She says in a sweet voice "My dad won't let me get a small dog". I said "Oh really? Why?" and she said "He says the only thing a small dog does is yap and crap". Well put my dear. 
(2 hours later after starting this blog entry): Well, I found a wonderful home for Ribs. My neighbors best friend was looking for a little dog just like her. I know she will be well loved. She really IS cute. Of course I was smitten. So feeling a little bit sad and blue over the whole unexpected whirlwind ordeal, I took Moki on a nice long walk. To remember what I DO have. A wonderfully well behaved big active dog who is my side kick. Did I mention that my mother in law told me on my wedding day that life will never be boring being a Woodbury?


Bookwerme said...

So, did all this happen in ONE day? Was Riblet stalking the cat..or the Cat stalking Riblet? Good that you quickly and easily found a new home...hope the dog settles in after all these transitions!

Fun Haircut.

Eese said...

Ohmygooooodness! You are too cute!!! (I haven't been to your blog in years; I forgot it was here!)

I love you!

Annelise (aka Eese)