Monday, August 10, 2009

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's the Blue Angels!

Greetings readers! Apparently summer vacation also meant a blog break! We have been going non stop with company for a few weeks now. No time for computers! I'm going to have to update you in increments because I have 300 pictures and several videos to share. So update event number 1A: The Blue Angels (entry 1B will be videos of the angels posted at a slightly later date). It has been 7 years since I've seen the Blue Angles show. Schools in Hawaii start the first week of August, but I was able to work around this date so we could catch the awesome show. I get goose bumps when the Blue Angels rumble and zoom past my head. My parents had a Sea Fair party with 88 guests. My dad and I played a few hit fiddle songs, and his band the Raretones entertained the crowds. Mom's dahlias have never looked more spectacular. They are over 6 feet tall. When you walk into her garden you feel like Alice in Wonderland. (Pictures to be posted on blog entry 2A!) All for now, just to tide you over. I didn't want family and friends to send out a search party for me since I have been absent on my blog!


Bookwerme said...

WE MISSED YOU!!! said...

GREAT shots of the blue angels!! i can't wait to see the pics of your moms dahlias. i bet they look amazing!