Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Woodland Park Zoo

Alright Blog readers! We are back from our nice long Seattle vacation. We got back at 12 noon on Monday and I started teaching the same day from 2-8pm. Plane landed, got our bags, had a quick lunch, and I started teaching! I joked with my students "Man I had a long commute to work today!"
So now I will spend the next several weeks getting you caught up with our fun adventures in Washington. Starting with todays entry: The Zoo!
My sister in law came out to visit us in Seattle and we wanted her to experience all things fun, touristy, and exciting. So we stopped by the Woodland Park Zoo. The zoo has really changed since I was a child. Much bigger, beautiful living spaces for the animals. The habitats also seem to include more of their natural elements as well. And we all put on our Happy Feet because there is now a new penguin exhibit! I think my favorite Zoo exhibit is the noctural bats and critters cave. No pictures to accompany this exhibit because you have to keep quiet as you walk through the dark environment. As your eyes adjust, you can see frantic possums scurry across the floor and giant fruit bats hanging from the ceiling.

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Welcome home...we missed you.

That WAS a long commute! Whew!

Love you, Asta