Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two very important people

This is a very special picture!

At my parents SeaFair party, two particular guests played a huge role throughout my life (in addition to my parents of course!) The woman on my left is my childhood violin teacher Val. And the woman on my right is my childhood piano teacher LeAnn. I haven't seen LeAnn since our last lesson in high school.

I experienced different teachers and methods growing up. The strict, serious methods my Russian teachers used that definitely taught me discipline and etiquette. And I also had sweet, supportive, and patient teachers like Val and LeAnn who demonstrated the type of teacher I wanted to grow up to be. I think music should be inspiring and fun. A way for students to express themselves. An escape from the pressure and stress the life can sometimes bring. A joyful experience that they look forward to each week. And when my students tell me "When I grow up I want to be a music teacher just like you!" I feel like my goals as a teacher and mentor are being accomplished and fulfilled!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Nice to see your inspirations in person...and to hear how YOU inspire others.