Friday, August 28, 2009

Seattle vacation blogging intermission...details about life in Hawaii

Even though I'm still blogging about our trip to Seattle, it's not as though life and time have stood still out here in Hawaii.
1. School's back in session! I'm teaching K-6th grade music again at Waimea Country school. This year, instead of a violin class I am teaching ukulele.
2. I am also teaching music once a week to a home school coop. My all time favorite teacher who was laid off last year transformed her garage into an adorable classroom complete with blackboard, colorful floor mat, and alphabet/cursive/number ceiling border. I know all the kids from last year too, making my teaching experience extra fun!
3. Heard it through the grapevine! Turns out that little chihuahua we rescued last month is PREGNANT. Thank goodness we found her a home just in the nick of time. (her new human parents are THRILLED she's having puppies so this is win win for everyone involved here) I can't imagine teaching music lessons, being cooped up all day with the 2 dogs, and having a chihuahua deliver puppies during a lesson! Talk about multitasking!
4. I am teaching SEVENTY FOUR students this year. This is my third week since my summer vacation on this current 74 student schedule. But who's counting right? Luckily I love my job, and I am usually zinging and buzzing with the great energy of all my students by the end of the day. My current schedule is 8am-7:45pm with a 30 minute lunch break Monday through Friday.
5. Sold my Subaru. Alex's company bought a used Tacoma truck in Seattle for me to drive around in. Shipped it over. It arrived today. Ship yard is closed on the weekend (and um, with my teaching schedule I can't just drive to Hilo's shipyard 2 hours away). So my mother in law is picking it up Monday for me!
6. I am now an entertainer for children's birthday parties (on my steel drum)! I auditioned with Island Breeze entertainment last week (I must have impressed grammy winner Charles Brotman because he gave my name out to this agency! And if Mr. Brotman wants me to audition, I'll do it!) My first gig is next month for a 1 year old birthday luau. I'm bringing percussion instruments and rhythm sticks to form a little band to jam along with me to interact with the kids.
7. That's all for now here in Hawaii. I still have stuff to blog about from our trip to Washington so stay tuned!

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