Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09/09/09 at 09:09:09 (nine o nine AM and nine seconds)

And where were YOU on 09/09/09 at 9:09 AM and 9 seconds? It would be so fun to have a baby on this day! Maybe I'll shoot for 10/10/10 or 11/11/11 or 12/12/12! But I don't think the stork works quite that way.

Speaking of deliveries, Monday I looked out of my music room window after Alex called me from the road saying he thought he saw a baby horse in Judy's field across the street. I look out and sure enough there is a tiny baby, still wet, trying to stand up in the heaviest wind! I quickly called Judy and said "There is a baby horse in your field!" and she said "THANK YOU thank you thank you for calling me! I'll be RIGHT there!" I guess horses normally give birth at night so she didn't do a morning colt check. I told Judy that her horse wanted to labor on Labor day! She is going to keep the colt and joked about naming her Roadside Side Show because she caused quite the crowd Monday morning.

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

lovely pics of the foal! Cute video of screw-loose!Wish that had been longer!