Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our kid is "spirited"

Our kid came with the name Bandit, and we sometimes call him Bandy. But now he is starting to earn the name Buck. Short for Buckwheat. Buckly if you will. Seeing that the only thing he likes to do is Buck you with his tiny horns.
Things would be easier had we adopted him at say 9 weeks instead of 15. He has some issues. And a bit of an attitude. But each day we are making progress. Today he finally emerged from his hidey hole kennel. He loves that thing. He is going to be moved up to the green pasture on the lot as soon as he is a bit more tame. He is a pretty wild young thing. But as you can see from my polaroid picture, he sat contently on the rock wall with me. Only snorting occasionally. And bucking me with his tiny horns a little less often today. In 10 minutes the students start arriving every half hour. Enter Woodbury petting zoo/music studio....


Bookwerme said...

Bucking is when they jump (buck) trying to dislodge something on their backs. BUTTING is when they ram into you or something else with their heads/horns.

I like the name Buckly..don't think Buttly would go over as well. LOL

SalernoStrings said...

Too funny! Butt wheat. I'm still learning all this farm terminology. Weathering, Doe, Buck, Kid....