Sunday, September 27, 2009

Weekend in Photos

Parker School had their annual 5K George Hennigan fun run. (a fundraiser run to help support the athletics department). I came in 2nd place in my age group and got a medal! It helps having a 75 pound tornado dog pull you along! Next year I will no longer be getting medals because I head into the next age group category. The 30-39 age division is VERY competitive with hard core running women! I was motivated to get up at 6am to earn one last medal this year!
Why do people wonder why I got a goat when my students arrive to piano lessons via tractor? I live in the COUNTRY now!
I was going to get goat food when my father in law took this video of the completed goat pen. My dear friends Matt and Fabie helped me build a goat fence today since Alex is in Washington D.C. this week. Buckley is so happy now. (It only took 2 hours to build the friends are funny jokers!) He has three tree stumps to climb and jump. I put a wood palate leaning against his dog house for him to climb. He has lots of grass, sweet potato, ivy, leaves, and woody plants to nibble on. I can see him from our house too. He has been crying and screaming at me all week, bringing me to tears in fact twice this week. A leash is no life for a goat. He (and I) are MUCH happier. When I'm working on the lot I'll let him out since he is my new shadow and follows me wherever I go!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Congrats on your good run. Does Moki run with you all the time?

Eese just did her first half marathon...I am amazed..and SO PROUD of her!