Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Meet Mabel

If you double click, you can see her blue eyes!
Buckley is sticking his tongue out! They are still getting to know each other.
The Three Amigos. Mabel discovered Buckley's favorite super high stump! The two have been playing King of the Stump for about an hour. One jumps up, the other jumps down, one jumps up, the other jumps down. At one point I looked out the window and saw them BOTH standing together. I guess they formed a peace pact.

Alex named her Moussaka. I like the name Mabel. We'll roll with the two. Goats will never learn their name anyway. Buckley has been nicknamed Buckwheat, Buckingham, Buck Wild, Buck eye, you get the drift.

Already the crying has stopped. Buckley will cry a little when I walk away but quickly gets distracted by Mabel. He no longer tries to escape and doesn't panic either. Buckley is 5 months old and Mabel is 6 months old. But she is smaller than him. Buckley is weathered (fixed) but Mabel could one day have kids. Mabel has had a long day and is doing great considering. Today she was trapped, put in a kennel, taken away from her family, drove in the back of a truck for 3 hours from South Point, has a new brother who's sort of being a bully (That's MY food, that's MY stump, that's MY mother). I've been sending students out to feed them treats all day to calm them both down when my students are done with music lessons. Salerno Strings/petting zoo.

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

So the kid could have kids and the kids are taking treats to the kids...are you kidding?!!! LOL

They are cute!