Sunday, October 11, 2009

Goat to Bed

This weekend was "Operation take back the lot". Pre Seattle visit, we used to have nicely manicured tiers you could stroll down whilst sipping a glass of chilled white wine. Post summer vacation spent away from the lot, you have to hack your way with a machete through 5 foot tall ginger. Weeds, grass, and ginger have completely taken over the tiers. The land has returned to its wild native landscape.

Goat update: Day 5: 3 escapes and 5 days of crying later, we are starting to make progress. The two goats are bonding and Mabel seems to finally be settling in. Buckley was a bully for awhile, but when Mabel escaped he cried out for her! He never knew what he was missing before. Yesterday Buckley was sleeping next to the fence with Moki sleeping snug up against him on the other side of the fence. Their feet were touching. I wish I had my camera! I have a funny flock here in Hawaii. I have been hacking my way through the lot, carrying armfuls of yummy goodies that I toss into their pen. We thought they'd want to be let out to graze yesterday, but they didn't want to leave their pen!

Pot Roast is in the crock pot. The dogs (we are puppy sitting a black lab named Aja this week) are bathed and flea medicated. Now back to the lot I go!

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