Sunday, September 27, 2009

Steel Drum Fun

When I first moved to Hawaii seven "school years" ago, I had to make a decision. It became very clear that I could go in one of two directions. Full time performer or Full time teacher. My greatest joy (and college training!) is in teaching. Two piano teachers happened to move to the mainland the exact summer I moved to Hawaii and BAM! Within a few weeks I was up to sixty private students. I put my steel drum on the back burner for quite awhile. (Well, sort of. The Steel Drum has been a huge hit at my schools) I've kept my steel drum playing a secret. A hidden talent if you will. Partly because I have a musical dog who sings at the top of his howling lungs when I play. So I can never practice new repertoire. And partly because I do not have the time with my teaching schedule for steel drum gigs.
But something happened this month. A Steel Drum awareness awakening. I live in the most tropical US state. And the Steel drum is the most tropical instrument a person could play. What have I been thinking these last 7 years? Enter the month of September. Three steel drum gigs in one month. The first being Parker School's annual BBQ 2 Friday's ago. I was THE only band the entire evening. A one man band, which I am used to being. I teach dozens of private students who attend Parker School. And they came up to me afterwards, wondering WHERE I learned to play the steel drum. Even most of my students do not know about my steel drum ability. Today's gig was a baby's first birthday luau. A Lion King themed party with hundreds of guests. I learned Hakuna Matata and Can you Feel the Love tonight on my steel drum this week in honor of the birthday boy (as well as a few other Disney hits). And in 4 days (Thursday) I will be playing my steel drum for a wedding. I have been kicking Moki out of my music room this past week so I could practice in peace. Alex walked in today and said "You've really offended your vocalist". And Moki sulked into the room and pouted on the floor. I sympathetically asked him "Poor boy, did you want to SING?" and he instantly started howling (without me playing the drum).
I promise, I'm not some crazy dog/goat lady. I just have funny, funny animals. Moki just reminds me that I don't always have to be a one man band....

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

I love steel drums...very popular in the West Indies.