Monday, October 27, 2008

Did you know there is a fall season in Hawaii?

When I have to pull out the wool Pendleton blanket to keep us warm at night, I know it is officially fall time in Waimea. Saturday we woke up to a dusting of snow on Mauna Kea, possibly indicating that we are skipping fall and going straight to winter. We raked a big pile of leaves in our front yard, wore ski hats, and took pictures. (causing people walking by to smile at our staged mock fall setting). Sunday was an all day Pumpkin Patch fair. Alex had his Woodbury Green Building Consultation booth set up and I walked around handing out business cards advertising "Save up to 40% on your energy bills! Come visit our booth and enter to win a free Energy audit!" (Luckily since I was dressed so cute I got smiles instead of salesmen rejection like I normally receive when I try to sell a product!) My cousin Ryan came up for cousin bonding family time Saturday night. (He's the tall skinny boy next to me at the Pumpkin patch...I still wonder what Salerno genes HE got to be over 6 feet tall and under 115 pounds! Why didn't I get those Salerno genes?!)

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Honey, your genes look FINE to me!!! Love you as you are! Aunt Asta