Sunday, November 2, 2008

Post Halloween Eve Recital

WOW! I just learned that if you double click a picture, you can see it zoomed in full screen! Try it with the picture of all my students by the piano!

Even though this time of year is incredibly busy for most families (and myself!) my wonderful students talked me into doing a Halloween recital where all the students wore their costumes. It sure takes the pressure off of playing in front of others when you are dressed goofy! Suddenly it doesn't seem so serious and nerve wracking! My students continue to amaze me and I feel truly blessed to continue to have such a strong, excited, talented studio full of students. It warms my heart to know that parents put their child's education top priority in such difficult economic times. We are all making cut backs this year; less trips to the mainland; more vacations at home; cutting back on our Starbuck's addictions......but I am so happy to see that music lessons are still a top priority for my families. And I hope that my love and excitement for music inspires my students to always have music a part of their lives. My whole life I have known that I wanted to be a music teacher. And I am so very lucky to be able to continue living out my dream job! Congratulations students on a wonderful performance!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Economy-Shmeconomy! Music business is booming, is what I've got to say! :) keep on keepin' on, lady. You amaze me!