Saturday, November 8, 2008

Is you is, or is you ain't, my baby

OK, it's 10:20pm on Friday night and I'm friggin' NESTING! Strange, never felt before mother hen instincts are kicking in (and scaring both myself AND Alex). We are gluing the broken desk so she has a place to do homework. I've thoroughly cleaned her room and drawers. Alex has had an Arabic prayer rug for years, and I placed it in her room facing Mecca (yes I Google Earthed to find the exact coordinated as to not offend her). We are fashioning curtain rods and confiscating curtains from other rooms so she has privacy. I just downloaded a ton of Pakistani pop music so she feels like she is right at home (and I'm currently listening to it over our speakers as we get her room ready). I am epicurious.comming traditional Pakistani dishes so she feels comfortable (and wikipediaing dietary restrictions). I just brushed up on the 5 pillars of Islam. (10th grade English/History class just came rushing back to me!) Oh gosh. Did I just open Pandora's box to motherhood? Tomorrow is our last supper. We are having 2 friends over for a mock Thanksgiving dinner (since we will be cooking for Uncle John in Denver ourselves). And Tehmiyat arrives Sunday! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Will Tehmiyat be traveling to Uncle John's with you later this month? What a way to get an education, Jessica! How wonderful that you are reaching out so generously.