Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Alex!

So I promise I won't be one of those bloggers who can ONLY talk about my brand new week old 16 year old teenage child. haha.
So this blog post is about Alex on his birthday.
Last year was your big 3-0. Wifey Jessie made a boat load of eggplant and chicken parm. Lots of friends. Lots of planning. This year, I love you just as much, and even more. But the next BIG bash will be at the next big milestone. We will enjoy a quiet, family Birthday this year love.
Where do the years go? I just cannot believe when we first started our relationship, you were this young 22 year old college student, and I was just 19!! I have loved watching us grow up Alex. You are a man now! Your mother told me life would never be boring marrying a Woodbury. And I must say! Life certainly is NEVER boring!
So Alex, I wish you a Happy Happy Birthday. May your year bring even more excitement and joy. I am so thankful you were born.

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