Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oh the weather outside is FREEZING

Actually, Denver has been pretty mild. Just freezing in comparison to Hawaii! We arrived in Denver Thursday after a long red eye flight to visit Alex's dear Uncle John. Before departure we did our ritual routine: Meet Alex's parents at the brew pub for dinner, hand over the dog, and have 1 parent take us to the airport. At dinner we got an adorable phone call from our 16 year old host daughter. She said "You guys! I miss my host parents!! I miss Moki!! Last night we were making a great dinner and dancing around the kitchen and now today you guys are gone!!" She is staying at our neighbors house while we are away. I'm shocked at how many people initially thought we would leave her home alone all week! Come on people! I'm not THAT parentally ignorant!
Last night I went to my very first hockey game! How have I gone almost 29 years and never seen a hockey game? Especially with my NHL Hockey star uncle as a relative? My beautiful cousin Kelsey, his daughter, has taken on his love and passion for hockey. Now, after seeing fights on the ice, slamming into the walls, whacking with sticks, I am horridly nervous and worried for my cousin! I had no idea Kelsey. No idea! I would be screaming in a high pitched voice, skating the opposite direction with arms flailing. Not a classy sight.
Today I have some blog time because Alex and Uncle John are at the rental car dealership. I'm still battling what I believe to be an untreated low grade sinus infection. Today I feel worse, but I dressed up to the nines in order to trick myself into feeling better if I feel like I LOOK better than I feel. Old Navy online has adorable sweater knee length dresses. Paired with boots and a hat, I feel eskimo chic! Now we are off to explore downtown Denver!


Amanda said...

get a neti pot and neti pot salt - then google how to use it - and it'll kill any infection you have and prevent you from getting worse. Then if you use it semi-regularly, you will prevent getting sick again! Its the best thing ever!

Anonymous said...

OMG! you look so cute on the bike. Now that you are hooked, we shall start biking here too. I can't wait to go biking with you. Hope your infection goes away soon.
Have a great day,

P.S: It was so sweet of you to mention my call in the blog. Muaaahhhh!!