Monday, November 10, 2008

Meet Tehniyat

(Double click the photo to get a closer look)
Tehniyat (I misspelled her name in the last 2 posts!) arrived yesterday at 3pm. What a fantastic girl! She is super animated, talkative, smart, and very cheerful. When we moved all her boxes into bedroom, we instantly sat down in the living room and talked politics (she wants to be a politician when she grows up and her uncle just ran for PRESIDENT of Pakistan). She is very involved in the debate team at Parker School and on Saturday won a trophy for the team. She speaks 8 languages. We took a long walk with the dog and she skipped along and said "OK house rules!" and we just talked about a few rules we would like to see (no boys when we are gone. Curfew at 10pm but she can stay up doing homework etc as late as she needs), Keep area tidy, etc. I think she gets a kick out of seeing us lay down parental rules since we don't have children yet and are a young couple. Saturday we made Thanksgiving dinner so Sunday we had leftovers and explained that she was about to eat the most traditional American meal she could possibly eat! She wanted a picture, but we told her she would eat the same meal on the right American holiday next week. After the long walk and dinner, we sat out by the chimnea and talked by the fire. There is a Arabic symbol on the back of our chimnea and we told her the catalog says it says 'The top of the pyramid" and she said "YES that is what it says!" Her school is about 3 minutes away by bike. (probably 4-5 walking). It's only 1/4 mile away. So I think this will be an incredible experience for all of us. When we go to Denver for Thanksgiving, she will stay with our neighbors who she knows very well. Moki has figured out that there is a new sibling in the house. So I keep petting him and reassuring him that he is still the precious baby of the household!


Amanda said...

Welcome Tehniyat! Not that I'm in Hawaii to welcome you.. lol. How cool. You both are going to learn so much from each other!

Bookwerme said...

I join my Amanda (I think it is my Amanda who posted!) to say "Welcome!" also. Greetings from Tennessee!