Saturday, October 18, 2008

I insisted to Alex that my next car needed to run on biodiesel, but this wasn't what I had in mind

About a month ago Alex won an e-bay auction for a Toro Dingo. It shipped all the way from the east coast. It came with a grapple and a bucket. The grapple reminds me of the quarter games you see in the arcades where a child tries to grab the stuffed animal with the claw (and in the arcade it never works. In this particular video, Alex doesn't grab the rock either, but this is his first day using his new toy so we'll give him room for trial and error). This machine can also be outfitted with a stump grinder, a garden bed tiller, and many other attachments as well (but this is all VERY boy talk for me so I tend to tune out after "wide load track". I did pay attention when he talked about the speed, and for those who are wondering, the Dingo drives at 5 mph. Alex plans to volunteer with the Dingo for Waimea Parks and Trails in the near future to continue making a path along the river bed for joggers, bikers, and dog walkers. There's bound to be more Dingo on my blog, so I'll listen carefully and get more facts about the machine. We named him "Bad Robot".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Baby! Wide Tracks! 5mph!! Does it get any better? I would love it more if Alex came and dug up my back yard with it.