Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Moki the Wonderdog

This video is for you dad! To make you feel better and cheer you up! And to know that Moki the Wonderdog and I are thinking about you!

Moki started his day with 30 minutes of frisbee and tennis ball. He was panting and worn out and happy. So for him to focus and bring me his toys was a miracle! For some reason when I hop into the bathtub I become his perfect captive audience and he tends to listen to me more. So yes, I am in the bathtub in this video, but fully clothed and ready to teach lessons right after our game. I could tell he was pretty worn out, so I didn't push for him to bring me his other toys: Artichoke, Eggplant, Orange Frisbee, Squiz (Squirrel shaped frisbee), Carebear, slipper monkey, chicken, and ball. But he knows those toys too. Yes we have an Idiot Savant on our hands. I should have been teaching him useful things like "Get the mail, pay my bills, grab my cell phone if I need to call 911, rotate my tires, make me an espresso..."


kristen said...

I am so PROUD of my GRAND-DOGGER!!!Love, Grand-Bitch xxx

Amanda said...

aww.. Moki is so great! What a cutie too.. i love how he jumped on the bed when he'd had enough. lol

Unknown said...

Jessie, you've given us inspirtion for our Aussie, Willamena. I think Charlie sent you some pics. She's only 4 months old, deaf and already knows how to sit,drop,come, and shake hands. We'll have her continue to watch Moki and learn.
Carl and Barb