Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Full Monty Show!

I am shocked, SHOCKED by some of my readers! So far, SIX readers accused me of staging Moki the Wonderdog's toy performance by accusing ALEX of hiding behind the bed handing Moki the toys I requested. How low do you people think I would stoop for attention? Is it not obvious that poor Moki is humiliated on a daily basis? Forced to perform mindless entertaining skits simply for his owners musings. Being dressed up for every holiday? Getting goofy mowhawk haircuts when the weather is too hot for his wooly pantaloons? It's one thing to question MY integrity, but for you to betray Moki and not believe he is the Wonderdog! He is hurt. He is offended. He lost all trust and faith in his fans. And he is expecting fed ex'ed scooby snacks as an acceptable letter of appology.
Now I'm not saying Moki is ALWAYS the Wonderdog. He is a very opinionated, stubborn, and independent soul. Many times, when I request the Dino, he thinks "Hmm, I'd rather bring you the frisbee and cut to the chase". And when I request the froggy he thinks "Eh, I like the squeek of the Hedgehog better." He has favorite toys of the moment, and anytime you ask him to bring a particular toy, it will ALWAYS be the squirrel for the entire week. Moki will evaluate a command and decide whether or not to obey. Usually the only commands he obeys have to have a greater purpose, or benefit him somehow. If I seriously demand he come up on the bed to cuddle, he thinks about it for a moment and realizes that this command will only benefit me, and walks away.
I am not a crazy pet owner. I have simply raised my dog like a child since he was 7 weeks old. I have worked hard to educate him. Since I work from home, he spends all day herding children to and from the piano bench. He has a job. He has a purpose. And he constantly looks at me with eyes that scream "WHY AM I A DOG? Can't you see I'm a real boy trapped in a dog's body?!"


Unknown said...

This is positively awesome!!!

I'm impressed. (:

(I know this dog...He gave me kisses Tues)
Associating myself early with the "famous"

Bookwerme said...

I have to wonder what Moki thinks of this whole procedure. LOL Sometimes I wonder if the pets just tolerate all our nutty activities and requests...I suspect mine do!