Saturday, October 18, 2008

A little public property defacing never hurt anybody

This weekend also included Fire Hydrant face lifts. The dalmation fire hydrant was originally painted about 3 years ago and needed some touch up. I also decided while I was at it to give our lot's rusty fire hydrant a spiffy new cheetah look. Now I'm thinking since our house is on a popular mommy-stroller 1 mile loop, I might go around to ALL the hydrants in our inner urban trail and give them make overs. I'm thinking there needs to be a zebra hydrant, penguin hydrant, tiger hydrant, black cat hydrant, OH and I was thinking of painting the hydrant directly in front of the Mormon Church parking lot Jesus! Instead of a fire hat there could be a halo or a crown of thorns. It would be perfect! Hmm, I might have to do some of my make over hydrant painting in the dark....

Fire Hydrant on our property BEFORE and AFTER Operation Sergeant Cheetah face lift


Unknown said...

I love the animal hydrant idea on the walking loop! You are adding so much color and fun to your neighborhood, I hope everyone appreciates it!

Bookwerme said...

During the US Bicentennial yr (I think thats when it was) they ran a contest here decorating all the hydrants...some were really cute! What a difference a little paint can make...and of course, some loving attention!