Monday, March 30, 2009

Not our swan song

Yesterday was the last season concert of the Kamuela Philharmonic. We performed Mozart Symphony No. 39 in Eb Major, Vaughan Williams Tuba Concerto in f minor, and Bizet's Symphony No. 1 in C. A Tuba sandwich, as our maestra called it.
Hawaii Preparatory Academy is undergoing several changes. And one unfortunate change might include the departure of our beloved conductor. We are hoping for the best and maybe everything will turn out just fine. I cannot imagine no longer playing with the symphony. The entire orchestra members have donated our time for five years simply because of what music means to us and what it provides for the community. 
I would have held it together better when we stood up to bow and thank and acknowledge our conductor, but when I saw sweet old Joel (a violinist in second violin who reminds me of my fiddler grandfather Beebop) crying, that just did me in. 
On a happier note, tomorrow I am picking up my PARENTS from the airport for a nice long visit! My dad hasn't been here since we got married in Hawaii almost four years ago! Today's mission is to clean the house! So I better get sweepin!

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