Monday, March 23, 2009

Particular Lenticular Clouds

                     A Lenticular UFO cloud above Mauna Kea as seen from my porch
                           And her sister ship to the left of Mauna Kea
                                 Lenticular clouds will ONLY form above mountains
          NOT my photo, but a super cool Lenticular Cloud above Mauna Kea at sunset
My #2 favorite type of cloud formation. I took a great picture once but can't seem to locate it!
My #3 favorite type of cloud formation. Strange that I seem to love only ultra high cloud formation types! 
  We see the "thunder cloud" quite often here in Hawaii. I love watching them build up like giant towers. 
Should I get my head out of the clouds? I just love them! One of the many interesting and strange things to be seen in Hawaii. Another bizarre viewing experience here are the night rainbows. On misty rainy evenings with a full moon, a night rainbow will form. It looks just like a rainbow, only it's a silver arc. I've seen two since living here. Once with my brother Kristopher and once with Alex. 

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

We do cloud watching here in Tennessee, also. Tonight just before dusk the clouds that were rushing by overhead were dark with the approaching watching is fascinating..whether it is clouds, or stars, rainbows or lightening that draws you to look at the fabulous work of our creator!!