Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Princess and her Toad

I love taking a chore and making it a game. (this love of mine will come in handy when we have children one day!) When we are doing yard work and Alex wants me to put the giant Hapu Fern Prawns in the compost, rather than carry them away like a normal person, I love to take 2 of them under each arm and flap around the yard like a giant bird. This evening, he wanted me to carry a tarp and cover a pile of sand left over from the rock wall. But rather than carry it away like a normal person, I chose to pretend to be a Queen with a long train trailing behind me. And wouldn't you know! The Frog Prince chose to hop out into the street right when I was walking by! I already have 2 Princes (Alex and Moki) so I didn't feel the need to kiss this frog and turn him into a handsome prince. And don't worry, no frogs were harmed in the making of my film!


Hanni said...

I absolutely love this story and video!!! I'm so jealous of all your planting, we still have about a foot of snow on the ground and it's just killing me! I finally put some salad greens in the window b/c I'm afraid by the time I can plant outside what little green thumb I have will be brown :(. I added your blog to my list to keep up on too, you have quite a few projects in the works how do you have time to blog?!

Bookwerme said...

No success with the froggy video..but did get tickled with the Queen's march!