Monday, March 2, 2009

Jessie lays some pipe

                                  A Monkey holding her wrench!
Oh yes, it was super fun trying to uncoil 500 feet of thick pipe! It was like wrestling with a giant snake spring!
Alex taught me that you have to put a plastic PVC pipe sleeve over the steel rod so that copper and steel don't touch and produce "electro galvanic corrosion". This type of corrosion occurs when any 2 dissimilar metals touch each other. 

Jessie rides the Dingo with the fence hole driller attachment!

Oh man! Another productive weekend on the Woodbury Lot. We laid 500 feet of pipe in 2 days installing an irrigational system on the lot. It would have cost close to 10 grand to hire this work out, so it was well worth the sore muscles today! I think Alex forgets I'm not a man though. He certainly uses me like I'm a man capable of lifting, hauling, trenching, shoveling, and wrenching! Saturday the weather was raining, windy, and in the high 30's!!! Can you believe that?! HAWAII! We were soaked to the bone freezing cold. I don't ever remember being so cold even in Bellingham in the winter. Sunday had better weather and we were able to get much more done. I told Alex last night that I think we spend 95% of every weekend entirely outside. We usually start the outdoor gardening/work at about 9am and don't come inside again till 8pm. This weekend we also started the fencing project. We used the Dingo to drill holes and we have eucalyptus and ohia fence posts ready to be put in the holes. Yep, it's always something!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

You two are AMAZING in what you take on. What a healthy thing to be doing, for your bodies and minds, your marriage, your property...GOOD JOB! I love seeing your activities.