Sunday, February 22, 2009

Busy Beavers

                                        Here is a view of the 3 Tiers
              A view from the top of the lot looking down at the rock wall
                     View of Mauna Kea at sunset from the top of the lot

It has been awhile since I've done a Lot update. Our neighbors have told Alex's parents "It feel like we live next door to beavers. They are always working!" We spend pretty much the entire weekend, morning to evening, working, gardening and dingo-ing on the lot. Last Saturday I planted 35 trees. I planted several more today, sprigged grass, and planted irises and ferns. Alex has been working hard at bulldozing tiers. Now we have 4 tiers that zip zag up the lot. In between each tier we are planting trees to maintain the soil and erosion control. We will have a pretty landscaped manicured lot for awhile until the economy shapes up and we can build. I think our goal is to build a small detached bungalow garage with a studio above it to rent out within the next year. Alex's parents want to invest in an in-laws guest house on the other side of the lot. When my own parents retire in Seattle we may need the in law suite to be built downstairs Woodburys upstairs Salernos! Ahh, then we would have 4 potential babysitters by the time the grandkidders come along. But when the economy gets better, we will sell our current house, move into the garage suite, and build the main house. Until then, we will continue to scurry around the lot like hardworking beavers....

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Wow...look at all that video and all that WORK you all have done! I sure was not prepared for the sudden change in the color of the background and the new pic! LOL. Love hearing about what you are doing. Keep up the good work.Love to you both. Asta