Thursday, February 19, 2009

Teaching cuteness

(Deep breathe) Ahh a new week. We made it through last week! Not much new to report on, so I'll give you a few cute stories of the teaching world.
Last week at school a new kindergartener came up to me at recess and she said "Miss Jessica, I can tell you are the music teacher. Because when you talk your voice sounds like singing!" Aww how sweet.
And today I was teaching 1st grade how to read music in the Treble Clef and they were just doing perfectly giving me all the right answers! I exclaimed "How are you guys so good at note reading?!" and a child spoke up and said "We are so good at note reading because YOU taught us! That's why we are good!" Again, how sweet!
And this evening I taught the world's most adorable and SMARTEST 2 year old I've ever met. Yes, my youngest student is 2. She knows all her numbers and letters and can write them out. Her fingers are dextrous and fluidly move across the keys. She remembers notes I have her play. When leaving her lesson a few weeks ago her father asked her "Who are some of your favorite composers?" and she said (in a tiny precious voice) "Tchaikovksy. And Mozart. And Beethoven!" (this picture of me at the piano is my friend Hilke's new baby girl. Not my youngest student!)
This week I have also started attending a girls group get together. Girls my age are coming out of the woodwork! We each brought a friend to a Tuesday picnic under the cherry blossoms on church row to add to the friend pool. It's so nice having girl friends. I brought my friend Fabie, who has lived here for a few years like myself and has not yet made a tight group of girl friends, like myself. There was Sarah the scientist, Fabie the family therapist, me the music teacher, Tai the dancer, Bonnie the computer whiz, Nancy the organic clothes designer, and Andrea the young mom!
That's all for now! Alex is currently studying to take his LEED certification test. Wish him luck! It's an incredibly hard test! Kind of like the bar for Green Building Consultants and Builders!


Bookwerme said...

Your girlfriend group sounds like a fun is important to have a social network of friends.

Your toddler student must be a whiz kid! WOW!

Wishing you success, ALEX!

Love to you both, ASTA

Jenny said...

How did I not know your Alex is the LEED type?! My brother has his own architecture firm -- Greenstone Architects. It's all 'green' and LEED projects. He's currently the head architect for the first ever completely self-sustaining house in WA state. (Complete with composting toilet and using house gray water as irrigation for the yard). Good luck, Alex!