Friday, February 13, 2009

Mr. Moki in mourning

As if we haven't cried enough this week!
Yesterday poor little sweet Lena was hit by a County of Hawaii truck. We bonded to this little dog the 3 weeks we puppy sat her. Since our winter vacation with her, she has come to visit us several times every day, pleased that now she had 2 homes. Every morning I have heard the little jingle jangle of her collar as she excitedly snuck into our house to find Moki. Mondays when I go hiking with Heather little Lena joined us and the dogs without telling her owners and had a blast. Moki just loved her.
We couldn't bear the though of the 3 little girls walking home from school finding Lena like that, so Alex scooped her up, put her in a little red wagon and covered her with a blanket and we called the parents, sobbing. I know this too shall pass. It's just been a very upsetting week! All we can do is remember that Lena lived every day full of joy and happiness. She truly lived every day like it was her last. She was well loved and had a wonderful short but sweet life.


Bookwerme said...

These tragedies of the heart are moments we wish we could avoid altogether in life...but we also must remember that despite the loss, the blessings that we enjoyed in the life of the pet/friend while they were with us still.

Mama Ter said...

And hey, everybody knows, you never forget your first girlfriend. Poor Moki! I think you guys need to sage smudge the house (or maybe the island)...
