Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Raining Cats and Dogs in Hawaii

Being the music dork that I am, I noticed I spelled "staff" instead of the correct spelling "staph". I also have the same grammatical error when I write the spelling of "chord" for electrical cord. Like my blog quote states in the wonderful words of Einstein "I view my life in terms of music"!
In other news, I am all healed! I'm pretty sure the lab lost my culture because Alex spent 2 hours calling every single lab clinic on Oahu looking for my results and nobody had my sample. Then miraculously, a fax came in that very minute saying "Results came back as nothing". Huh? Nothing? Then what was my incredibly swollen, hard, red and purple, painful infected calf? Why did I get a tetanus shot and 2 weeks worth of hard core antibiotics if it's "NOTHING". I won't dwell on this and just be thankful I am all better and hop, skip, and jumping all over the place now.
Not much else to report on. Our host kid is doing well. She has wonderfully sweet friends who are also foreign exchange students that come over often and our house is a buzz with giggling chirping 16 year old girls.
The weather is raining, windy, and cold in Waimea. We have had to light our fire place several times this week. It completely reminds me of Washington weather late winter. In fact, I wear exactly what I would be wearing in Washington in the winter right now.
I have a symphony children's concert coming up next week. We are performing "Tubby the Tuba" for all the children and students in Waimea. I am sure to have a huge fan club sitting out in the audience. I'll try to post pictures.
All for now! I get scolded now by my readers when too much time passes in between postings!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Well, I 'm not scolding, but I was getting concerned that maybe you weren't mending well! Glad you are well again.

Hope your concert goes well next week. Love, ASTA