Monday, January 26, 2009

Not the musical Staff...Infection

Ouchie Ouchie Ouchie!
So Friday I scratched my leg. Like I scratched a bug bite too hard. It opened my skin just a little bit. Nothing too grotesque. Saturday it started to hurt. It got hot and red. By Sunday I put neosporin on it and put a bandage over. It was getting bigger and more painful. Sunday evening Alex almost took me to the hospital. My lymph nodes were incredibly tender. The pain felt like I was branded. Not the throbbing heart beat in the wound kind of pain. Like hot iron on my skin kind of pain. I got feverish. The wound looked like I was mauled by Kudjo the rabid dog. It looked like there was a golf ball under my skin too. We called the doc. She said to take a hot hot hot bath and apply aloe vera from the plant on it and try to wait till morning to go to urgent care. So today I woke up and I couldn't walk. I hopped my way out of the house and to urgent care. They took a culture. Gave me a tetanus shot. Put me on antibiotics and gave me a medicated cream. They are testing it for MRCA (the drug resistant staff infection). And they are treating me instantly as if that is what I have to not take any chances. But it HURTS! I'm not supposed to baby it. They want me moving around to get that antibiotics flowing to the injury. I wasn't even in the ocean recently! Ahh living in the tropics! I'm supposed to stay calm and de stress myself since my immune system is down. So as I'm trying to patiently find my happy place at the pharmacy waiting FOREVER to get my medication a big local guy next to me says "You know, you could DIE from that". I just looked at him, smiled, and said "Thanks man". And went back to my happy calm place. That guy was 400 pounds easy. My chances look pretty good at beating this! I'll keep you posted!


Bookwerme said...

Actually, swimming in the ocean should help unless your beach is a polluted area. Sorry to hear of your infection experience. Hope you mend fast. There are natural antibiotics you should keep on hand to start the instant you realize something is really helps to head off all that kind of thing. Love you, Honey.

SalernoStrings said...

Thanks Aunt Asta! By the way, I LOVE all your comments. I check my blog everyday to look for your sweet comments! XOXO
How's Amanda? I'm so so excited for her!! Love you!

Mama Ter said...


Though I never think of these comebacks at the right moment, in the shower this morning I was wishing that you had looked at the big sensitive guy right in his massive mid-section and said 'Wow, YOU could die from THAT!' Sheesh! So I am REALLY glad they are being aggressive with treatment, the MRSA thing is frightening. There was a huge front page article on the Sunday Seattle paper sometime in the past month. Am thinking of you. Please keep us posted (no pun intended - sorry, a little blog humor!). Hugs and well-wishes from the Drussel-Bennetts.