Monday, January 5, 2009

From Sea to Shining SNOW

Hey! I didn't realize that my last entry post was my 100TH POST since I started this blog in March! I can't believe I've found 100 things to write about in 10 months.

Yesterday was family fun in the snow day. For 5 years now I have wanted to go play in the Mauna Kea snow. And yesterday my dream finally came true! It felt like we went to Mt. Baker for the day and came back to Hawaii. Like a time warp! Only in Hawaii can you go snowboarding in the snow and then surfing at the hot beach. Moki hasn't seen snow since he was a tiny puppy. And he used to get so excited. Being at 9,000 foot elevation made Moki act a little funny. But once we opened the car door he was just as excited as he was 6 years ago! People can get altitude sickness at that level. But it sure was funny seeing all the local people boogie boarding down snowy hills.

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

I still find it amazing that there is that much snow in Hawaii...I don't think I ever knew there was ANY snow there though I knew of the volcanoes and mountains.

Did Moki get a haircut?

Fun to see your "movies"

LOVE YOU, Aunt Asta