Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hotmail Hiatus

Aloha Family and Friends,
So apparently there IS an elusive hotmail customer support that provides incredibly prompt e-mail help! I was so afraid I lost all my old e-mails and contacts. I will continue to maintain both e-mail accounts and I am able to check my yahoo e-mail on my phone.
Here is the most important picture from my hotmail account. The e-mail I received when I was inquiring about a litter of puppies born in 2002. It has a picture of Moki's mother and his 2 sisters and 1 brother. Alex says he was surprised I didn't show up at our house in Bellingham with 4 little bear cubs tucked under my arms instead of just 1!
I'm glad my e-mail is all cleared up. I am now an expert with hotmail customer support with some very important links if any of you have this experience as well!

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