Thursday, January 22, 2009

Look what Miracle Grow grew!

It's just a typical Thursday night. Nothing exciting to report on. This week I got a call from our local theatre needing a page turner for the famous pianist Leon Fleisher. But I've already expressed to the theatre countless times about my aversion to so much pressure. What if I turn the page too late? What if 2 pages stick together? What if I space out because I'm mesmerized by the music and forget to turn the page altogether? It's just too much pressure!! It would have been an honor to turn pages for Leon. But I told the theatre I need to "train up". Maybe get some itunes Rachmaninov or Shostakovich piano downloads and follow along with sheet music for a few months...
Today in school I taught the children about the French composer Camille Saint Saens "Carnival of the Animals". I let the little ones march around the classroom like lions, flap their wings and peck at imaginary grain like hens and roosters, and glide across the floor like graceful swans. But did you know! Saint Saens (pronounced San Sons) was afraid his suite would be too childish and lighthearted and could possibly ruin his reputation of being a serious studious composer. So he had a clause that the suite was not to be published OR performed until after his death. So once he died, his suite was published and performed and was an instant success!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

It would indeed be a miracle if "it" grew like that!!! Cute pic!