Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kamuela Philharmonic

This past weekend required 18 hours of violin playing with the symphony. This philharmonic has really grown over the past 5 seasons. It started with just 14 players 5 years ago, me being one of them! And this Sunday's concert had 61 players. We performed Strauss Die Fledermaus, Smetana's Vaterworld, and a Rachmoninoff piano concert. Unfortunately my camera died shortly after Alex started the video. But it gives you a little snippet. I'm the third stand on the outside.
Also this past week, I had a student running late. My phone rings. I answer thinking it's my student. And I hear "Hi Jessie! This is Erica Close (from high school)." I'm silent on the other end. I don't understand. This is so out of the blue. Am I dreaming? What's going on? I finally stammer "Hi Erica! Oh my gosh you're in Hawaii!" I was just so shocked from the wonderfully unexpected phone call that it took me awhile to regain focus! So I invited her and her whole family over for dinner. I saw her mom at Tanya's wedding in June. Her mom pulled me aside during dinner and said "I TOLD Erica "She doesn't want us ALL here!" and I replied "EH! I'm Italian! Da Family comes along ya know?!" Erica is 7 months pregnant with their first child. She looked beautiful. In Canada they won't tell you the gender of the baby so it's a surprise.
Last but not least, school resumes from winter break this week. Nothing too eventful on the calendar this month. But I'll keep blogging away!

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