Saturday, January 3, 2009

Party like it's 2-0-0-9

So our little family has figured out a fantastic way to watch movie at night. Alex and I have had the same clunky toaster box TV that I bought in college. The sound fades in and out. No blue ray plasma high def whatchamacallit kind of way to watch a movie in our bedroom. So we took a white sheet and tacked it along the living room wall and set up the projector to our surround sound. With the lights dimmed it feels like the movies. Which is great because the closest movie theatre is 1 hour away both North and South. Well, if there is no movie in the computer to project, it just shines a blue light against the screen. Making it a fun backdrop for dancing shadows for a dance party. There is an itunes or ipod commercial where all you see is a dancing black shadow with the trademark white ear phones. Here is our New Years Eve dance party. We stayed up till midnight and company left and we were asleep in bed by 12:05am. Today or tomorrow we plan to go play in Mauna Kea snow. So stay tuned!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

looks like good exercise and a fun way to do it!