Friday, December 26, 2008

Ho Ho Ho Let it Snow!

Wishing you all a very Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! This year was my first Christmas since 2000 in Hawaii. I have to admit, spending the day in shorts and a tank top in 80 degree weather pre Turkey dinner just didn't feel very Christmasy. But about an hour before our 13 guests arrived the weather turned and it became cold and rainy and dark. Today feels very Seattlesque. We have our gas fireplace keeping our house warm and Mauna Kea is covered half way down the volcano with snow! I am just dying to take the dogs and play in the snow sometime over winter vacation. Moki hasn't seen snow since he was a tiny puppy and he loved it!
Dinner was a success! Alex and I make a 20 lb Turkey and crock potted lamb. And there were about 5 different vegetable dishes to choose from. A video chat with my parents opening presents was the finishing touch to a delightful day! My cousins Ryan and Jason stayed late and we watched The Grinch Stole Christmas on our movie projector against a giant white sheet.
We call our house the Woodbury zoo thanks to the surplus of dogs that seem to always be around us. In these pictures, you can see the 4 dogs drooling at us as we ate. Our porch is right off the dining room so they dogs could see us eating. In the Mauna Kea picture, you can see the rivers streaming down the mountain. Welp, my work is cut out for me today! I was hoping Santa would come back and clean my house post party, but I think he got distracted by the Mai Tai's on the beach in Hawaii! Happy Holidays!

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