Friday, December 19, 2008

Waimea Country School Winter Show!

Last night was my K-6th grade Winter Music concert! The kids did such a great job. Even though I've been doing school shows for 6 years now, I was a little nervous last night because it was my FIRST concert for Waimea Country School and I hadn't met any of the parents yet. And for whatever reason, I can PLAY in front of hundreds of people, but TALKING is a different story for me! Public speaking is literally the most painful thing I can possibly do. I have to write down every single word I want to say because I certainly can't wing it! So I introduced the Kindergarten reindeer class and the teacher whispered "one of the students had to use the potty!" so I nervously glance at the teacher manning the CD player and say "Play a song". The song seemed eternal, so I stood up and smiled and said "So I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about myself" and they laughed. I told them about my musician parents and music programs back home. I glanced around and said "Is the reindeer back yet? No? I started the piano when I was like 5 years old!" and made them laugh again. All in all the show went very well and I'm quite pleased. It's the only show I have to do all year so I got through it! The students do a May Day Hula show in the spring. So enjoy a few videos from the program!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

What fun to hear YOU play!

Love the video format..though I kept wanting to make the pics bigger. lol

I was amused at the little blond in the audience in the third video who was doing all the hand motions along with the performers!!!

GOOD JOB Jessica!