Monday, December 15, 2008

Meet the extended family

So last night we are sitting at the kitchen table listening to music and talking and Alex and I hear this strange chirping ringing sound. When I realize it is my computer's ichat program inviting me to a video chat I leapt up from the table like a gazelle and sprinted to my music room to click "accept". And within seconds I see the smiling faces of my parents, Kimi, her brother Ho Young and her sister Mi Jeong, and the Korean English translator "Alex". We all smiled and chatted. I played my steel drum, Moki sang, I played the piano for them, Alex plucked his banjo. The view of the ocean is outside their hotel window. They can hear the waves crashing on shore all night long. Ho Young was only 3 when Kimi left for the United States, but remembers a few memories. Mi Jeong was about 11 so she really remembers Kimi. My parents told me Kimi and her sister have spent the whole time walking hand in hand smiling at each other. Mom says she sees so many personality similarities with Kimi and her siblings and that this experience is just incredible. And Kimi and I are going to be Aunts! (aunt is pronounced Emu in Korean). Kimi's sister is pregnant! Stay tuned for more updates!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

Wow! What an adventure and what a fabulous experience!! Family JOY! and a baby coming to make it all even more eventful. Emu Jessica!!!