Thursday, December 4, 2008

This week in pictures

Whoo boy! I feel like I was on vacation for months! And now I'm back to the teaching/family routine full swing! What a wonderfully delicious vacation. I am so happy everyone is healthy and happy.
In a nutshell: My parents take Kimi to Korea next week to be reunited with her sister and brother; My winter school show is December 18th; a school faculty and family Holiday party is being hosted at my house this Sunday (and the house looks like a hurricane came through); our house was featured in Sunday's newspaper magazine (sorry, no internet link but it's a wonderful article talking a lot about what Alex and I do for a living and Moki the rock star dog); and the holidays are upon us at gaining speed!
So back to my flying Hawaiian airlines story/experience. I was escorted to the head of the line to check my bag; there was not a single person in the security line; and my gate was just 10 steps from the security line (no train, bus, or car to get me to my gate). I board the plane and it's a B-767 (with the middle 3 seats row and 2 seated sides). The flooring of the plane is this trendy corkboard with nicely dimmed lights. The seats have leather tops. I am in front of the big screen and around the corner from a conveniently located bathroom. Half way thru our flight, the funny, friendly, young flight attendants instruct us to put our seats in the upright position. (I was engrossed in my book on loan from my friend Terry so I didn't hear WHY we were putting our seats up, only to ASSUME that we were making an emergency water landing). And instead of a water landing, the attendants are serving DINNER. When I was asked if I wanted the roast chicken and potatos or pesto penne, I couldn't help but STARE at this attendant like he is from MARS. I couldn't physically answer him because since WHEN do they FEED us? I manage to stutter that I've already bought a $30 flippin' airport sandwich for the long flight. As I got off the plane, I told the attendants that Hawaiian airlines feels like European luxury flying. I was blown away. OH! And when it came time to collect my check in bag, it was the first one out of the chute.

Sorry if this entry post is BLAAAG, but I'll amuse you with pictures from Denver and Seattle.

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