Sunday, March 15, 2009

I see you readers!

Behold ladies and gentlemen,
If you scroll down to the very very bottom of my blog screen you will see a new yellow box with a number in it. That is how many people have viewed my blog as of March 14th! For those of you with blogs, simply click my yellow box and it will automatically bring you to StatCounter. If you click "Register now" it is free, quick, simply, and automatically gives you step by step instructions on how to put a ticker on your blog! 
Today I repotted 35 baby trees that I have propagated from seeds. I went on a baby tree scavenger hunt today and crawled under some of our big Koa trees looking for her babies. I always love finding baby trees under a big thriving brambly mother tree (and I hope her apples don't fall far from the tree because my theory is healthy beautiful trees should produce healthy beautiful baby trees right?!) And to my glee a beautiful Koa tree out front had 4 thriving baby trees growing underneath her motherly limbs!

1 comment:

Bookwerme said...

So when I make my daily visits to see if you have posted, I will bump up your counter for visitors!

Good for you with the baby tree project. My mom used to save dog food cans for starting seeds...we had crates of them! They started the seeds, got them going well, and then sold them at the beach club to raise money.

I love trees and am always glad to see them going in. One of my gripes in this area is that idiots plant the young trees directly under power lines which then means they (the trees) will later be topped by the electric company..or removed altogether. We've planted an orchard in our electric company right of way..but used all dwarf or semi-dwarf they should never become a problem.