Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Heart Buckley

Day 2: Finally emerged from his kennel but quickly hid behind the chimnea for the rest of the day.
Day 3: Gains some courage to explore his new yard. We are taming him up before bringing him to the pastured lot. But I have a feeling this little socialized guy will want to teach with me during the day and graze early in the AM and in the evening.
Day 4: Wants to keep an eye on us, but still doesn't trust us. Still weary. Let's kids pet him for a minute. Runs and hides when people approach him but then he comes out baaing as if to say "you didn't really go did you??"
Day 4: Totally a different goat. He loves my students and stays put when people approach him. I took him for a walk to the lot today on his long leash. He trotted right behind me and along side his new buddy Moki. He LOVED the pasture, but cried at the top of his lungs when he thought I was leaving him. We'll have to hang out there more so he knows the lot is also our safe place and home.

Sorry Jenny (a dear friend and avid reader of my blog). But your maiden name completely fits my little goat. If it helps, we named Moki after our friend here in Hawaii long before ever moving here.

I promise this blog won't just become all about my little goat. But this little guy is amazing. Every day he is changing. His personality is blossoming. He's coming into his own. Tonight after dinner Alex, myself, and the dog sat by Buckley and we scratched his head. He was in sheer goaty heaven. Today I had a 45 minute lunch break and I played frisbee with Moki to wear him out. And then I sat in my lawn chair with my worn out happy dog to my left, and my little goat curled up to my right. I read my US magazine and scratched both boys behind the ear.
With 74 private students coming and going every half hour, this little goat has no choice but to learn to love humans. The vet told me when he does something naughty, like buck or BUTT (I'm learning the proper farm terminology! But I don't want to change my goats name to Butthead, Buttface, or Buttwheat) I should reprimand him like a dog. I scolded Moki in front of Buckley today for eating goat "raisins" and Buckley looked at me alarmed from hearing my "mean mommy" voice and then looked at Moki and snorted at him!


Erin said...

I heart Buckley too! He seems like a very sweet goat. I'm sure he and Moki will be best friends before long. Keep us posted!

Jenny said...

I am deeply honored and touched that there is a dashing, dapper spirited little goat out there ripping around with my maiden name!!!

I LOVE the picture of him sticking his head around the corner of the house -- like: oh I'll just take a little peak. Oh snap! they saw me. They totally saw me!