Friday, June 5, 2009

I dropped my camera in the OCEAN

So tonight we went out on a beautiful sailboat with my fellow teachers from Waimea Country school for our end of the year faculty party. I took amazing pictures of the big full moon rising over Mauna Kea. Pictures of all the happy teachers. Arty shots of the Hawaii coastline at sunset. And then PLUNK. A big wave knocked me over and my camera slid out of my hands and right off the boat. Ker PLUNK. It sunk into the dark black infinite Pacific Ocean within seconds. Teachers said my reflexes were RIGHT THERE! Just not fast enough. So then I cried. I was the official party pooper. This was my very first camera ever. It was only a year or two old. It wasn't super expensive. But it cost money. I'm still in mourning folks. My blog will be SO boring without fun pictures and videos. We don't have a circuit city here. Any suggestions on a great easy to use affordable camera? I had the color (cool?) pix Nikon. 
Stay tuned for more wacky stories on Miss Butterfingers!

3 comments: said...

COOLpix jess, coolpix. :)

Bookwerme said...

Wow...that is an unfortunate disaster! I once had a really nice camera stolen out of my car. I simply could not believe it was gone.
I am sure YOU feel that way, too.

Meighan Krows said...

I'm so sorry!!! That really sucks Jess.