Saturday, June 20, 2009

10,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Being "traumatized" by the unexpected deep sea plunge of my last camera, it felt SOOO strange intentionally dipping my camera into our pond! I've never used an underwater camera and it just felt so taboo today! I took pictures of our giant Koi. As you may recall, we rescued 5 jumbo Koi from somebody's cramped small hot tub. We named them Big Mama, Goldilocks, Tipsey, Fronc, and Harpo. I should have taken the video when I was feeding them, but I'll get better as I learn more about my camera. 

BIDDING ONCE, BIDDING TWICE, SOLD! Within 30 minutes of advertising on Craigslist, I sold my Subaru. I didn't expect to sell it quite so fast, which is why I started advertising a month before going to Seattle. The future owners needed a good safe reliable car to tote their 4 year old around in and are OK with waiting 3 more weeks for the vehicle. Alex showed Izabella to them at Starbucks on Friday. (We are the paranoid Craigslist sellers who chose a public middle of the day location to sell or purchase items!) I spent all day vacuuming the seats, wiping down the surfaces, washing the car, WAXING the car (for the first time ever), washing windows (for the first time ever as well..I kept thinking my windows were open afterwards!), and using a single edge blade to chisel out 7 years worth of dried dog drool off my back windows. I watched Alex drive away in her for the showing and suddenly felt very nostalgic. It's never looked so good and shiny before! Moki has been my copilot for the past seven years and now I just don't want the dog drool and hair in my car until I sell it. He feels slighted and looks at me in shock when I drive to the store for a quick grocery run solo. Speaking of which, it is his 7th BIRTHDAY tomorrow. I told Alex had we had a child 7 years ago we'd have a second grader on our hands. That's how quickly time flies by! 

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