Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Salerno departure for Korea!

Today at 1pm my parents and Kimi departed for South Korea. There is a 5 hour time difference between Hawaii and Korea (Korea is earlier but the next day...does anyone want to teach me about international time zones and lines?!) For instance. It is now 2:30pm Wednesday in Hawaii and it is 9:30am Thursday in Korea. They are bringing Kimi's lap top so I might be able to video chat! They will send pictures and e-mail and I have Kimi's sisters cell phone. I am so excited for them! My dad is my biggest blog fan so it almost feels wrong to blog when he is 33,000 miles in the sky unable to check it! But I will be thinking of them all day every day! They get back December 22nd. I reminded them of the only 2 vocabulary words they need to memorize:
Anyang haseo (Hello how are you?)
Kamsahamnida (Thank you very much)


Amanda said...

Yeay!! How exciting! I can't wait to hear the reports!

Bookwerme said...

You know your Dad will be eager to read all you have written when he gets a chance..and how nice it will be there waiting for him. Please do tell us about all you can of their truly will be an event they will always remember I am sure!!!