Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I DID listen to my parents and I agree that I should stay away from politics on my Blog. This isn't about politics. This is about HAWAII! I live in Hawaii. As in, have been living in Hawaii for almost SIX years now!! And to see Hawaii now represented in the White House is truly incredible. This is the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY somebody from the Aloha State has gone to the White House. Too bad he is known as the Illinois Senator and not the Hawaii Senator I guess!
But all joking aside, Republican or Democrat, Left or Right, Red or Blue, we are still the United States of America. Unitedly, we all wish the best for our country. Unitedly, we all want our country to be strong and thriving. Unitedly, we want the world to be a better place for our children of the future.
The other day I was talking to Mama Cathy about her childhood in Georgia. And she remembers when there were segregated bathrooms. People of color were not allowed to use the white persons bathroom. As a young child, she just did not understand why. These were fellow childhood friends having to follow different rules. Segregation is still a vivid memory in this lifetime. So yes, this history breaking candidacy is very moving and touching. It reminds me that we ARE United. That our country will ALWAYS continue to grow and change.
But again, this isn't a political blog entry. This is about HAWAII! A place most of my family and friends STILL have yet to visit me since I started this blog! What's keepin' you? The palm trees? The turquoise waters? The sandy beaches?


jennafoto@yahoo.com said...

also i'm going to give a shout out to mercer island because Obama's mom totally went to our high school and you rarely hear anyone mention that! yay obama!!

Bookwerme said...

how about the finances? Gotta have $$$ to travel these days! Hawaii is a bit of a distance from TN, too.

Thinking of you, no matter the distance! LOVE, Aunt Asta